Setting A Healthier Living Space With Professional Sofa Cleaning

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Setting A Healthier Living Space With Professional Sofa Cleaning

Setting A Healthier Living Space With Professional Sofa Cleaning

With dirty furniture, it’s not just the decor of the interior space that is on the line. The grime poses risks to the health of the persons on the premises. These include:


  • Respiratory problems


One of the leading causes of allergic rhinitis is the faecal residue left behind by dust mites- and there are thousands of them crawling around those cosy cushions. The mites are nourished by the skin flakes which are naturally shed by people using the sofa. The more traffic that the furniture handles, there higher the amount of dead skin cells available for the hordes of mites. Their waste triggers allergic reactions when inhaled. Then there is the dust itself, which settles on the upholstery from the surrounding air space. Add pet fur and dander to the list. In fact, sections of the sofa may be so concentrated with the pet dander- especially those sections where your furry friend likes taking the occasional nap, such that one can get a more severe reaction from the affected areas compared to burying your face directly in the pet’s fur. There may also be mould within the upholstery, whose spores are allergens. Coughing, sneezing, nasal irritation, watery eyes- they make one uncomfortable when using the sofa. That case of sniffles may simply be as a result of the allergens in the sofa. There can also be issues like asthma attacks being triggered, and conditions such as bronchitis getting worsened.


  • Skin irritation


Do you find yourself incessantly scratching every time you lounge back on the sofa? Itchiness, redness of the skin, swelling, and issues like inflamed eczema can be caused by the allergens that are building up on the upholstery. With organic matter like food crumbs attracting pests onto the furniture, the body waste they leave behind worsens the situation, putting you at greater risk of skin infections. 


  • Effects to the digestive system


Here, kids are usually at greater risk. After all, it’s common to find them dropping snacks on the sofa, and picking them up to continue eating them. They are also fond of running their hands across the different surfaces, and putting the hands in their mouths. The pathogens that are on the upholstery end up getting into the body, causing different sorts of gastrointestinal infections.


  • Mental effects


The soiled environment takes away your peace of mind. One is barely able to relax when surrounded by dirt spots and stains. They are a constant distraction. When there are odours, it’s difficult to think about anything else other than that foul smell that is assaulting your nostrils. Sofas are designed for one to comfortably relax on, not build up the stress levels. This reduces your overall quality of life, with affects you both socially and workwise. Even getting quality sleep becomes a problem, when there are those nagging thoughts troubling you about the pending upholstery cleaning chore. 

Dial Up The Professionals

Those heavy dirt buildups that are ruining the appeal of your sofa, and the stains that are riddling the upholstery, clashing with the patterns and style of your unit are got rid of. That way you get to come home to an inviting decor, one that you can comfortably relax in. The in-depth sofa cleaning also gets rid of the source of the odours, improving on the indoor air quality. The allergens, toxins and pollutants that are putting your household members at risk are removed together with the grime, enabling you to raise your family in a safe and conducive environment. What’s more, odour neutralisers are also incorporated into the sofa cleaning process. They leave behind pleasant scents, which go a long way in improving the ambience, enabling you to enjoy your freshly cleaned sets. 

Even in commercial setups, the sofas needs to be in top condition. After all,  the state that your customers find the interior space in will be key in determining whether they will have more confidence in your products and services. Your employees too, will be more productive with the furnishings in their workspaces are taken care of, allowing them to be more focused on their mandate, and not complaining about stains and odours as they perform their duties. Our commercial sofa cleaning services will enable you to provide conducive working conditions. 

When done regularly, the sofa cleaning protects your unit, enabling it to last for long. After all, you don’t want to find the upholstery fibres weakening. The longer that the sofa remains unattended to and the grime allowed to build up, the faster the rate of deterioration will be. This not only makes the sofa appear dilapidated, affecting the rest of the decor negatively, but it also means that you will end up forking out more funds soon to replace the set and get new furniture. A properly cared for sofa can last for years. In fact, these are some of the furniture units that survive the different lifestyle changes, being carried from one house to the next, as you shift residences, move in with your significant other, upscale to a larger house to accommodate the growing family, downscale to smaller spaces for the empty-nesters, those cases of divorce where you go your separate ways- the sofa can be the trusted companion, remaining with your through the times and seasons. Actually, one of the reasons why people have a lot of difficulty in disposing their units later on in life is due to the many memories that the sofas hold. Scheduling regular upholstery cleaning services will enable you to increase its lifespan, and enjoy it all through. 

Your timetable also gets less hectic. With a busy schedule, balancing the job, family and social commitments, time for your hobbies and those precious hours you get to relax- the sofa cleaning is an arduous chore that will put more strain on you. Being busy also does not mean that you have to live with a dirty and smelling sofa, since it will ruin your quality of life. With our upholstery cleaning services, you get to strike the chore off your to-do list, reducing the things crowding up your tight schedule.

Setting A Healthier Living Space With Professional Sofa Cleaning

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