Stinky Sofa: How To Deal With Odours On Your Upholstery

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Stinky Sofa: How To Deal With Odours On Your Upholstery

Stinky Sofa: How To Deal With Odours On Your Upholstery

There are few things on this planet that are as mortifying as a smelly couch especially when you have guests over. It is one of those things that no amount of throw blankets or decorative pillows will ever hide. The worst part is that your couch could be smelly even when it looks clean on the surface. 

These embarrassing odours come from all sorts of places. In the sections below, we will look at the most common of these and what you can do to get your couch not only looking clean but also smelling fresh. 

What causes sofa odours?

First thing’s first, what is it that makes the couch smell in the first place? More often than not, it is due to bacteria and other microorganisms taking advantage of warm and moist conditions on your upholstery. It could also be due to macroscopic organisms like fungi as is the case with mould. Here are some of the main precipitating factors that result in this overgrowth germs and/or mould.

Food and drink spills

Remember that one time you spilled your coffee on the couch or dropped some crumbs and failed to clean up? The smelly couch may just be the consequences that you never saw coming. The presence of sugar in these types of spills just makes things a lot worse as microorganisms love the free food. 

Pet accidents

This is one of the easiest sources to identify. These accidents also cause the most pungent of couch stinks. Whether it is poop or pee, it will result in bacterial overgrowth if you do not ensure that you clean the couch as soon as the accident happens. 

Upholstery pests

Pests like bed bugs and mites could also be the reason why you are living with a smelly couch. Their droppings, shed exoskeletons, remains, and even pheromones tend to seep into the couch and cause it to stink. 

Water damage

It is beautifully ironic that what is meant to keep the couch clean could lead not only stains but also weird smells. Remember that the germs responsible for the odor thrive on moisture. Therefore, if your couch has wet spots it is very likely to develop a stench. 

The wetness could also promote growth of mold which in addition to smelling funky has numerous health implications. 


Body sweat and skin droppings

When you sit on your sofa, it is inevitable that you will leave traces of yourself including dead skin and body sweat. This usually happens on the parts of the sofa that are used the most. With time, the couch will start to get stinky and require urgent deep upholstery cleaning. 

General dirt accumulation 

Finally, general accumulation of dirt from use or exposure indoor environments could be the reason why your couch smells. In such cases, the odours are more earthy and almost dusty than the musky ones associated with moisture. 


How to deal with sofa odours

Now that you know what causes the smells, you probably have an idea what caused your current predicament. Well, we are here to make your life easier by offering a few solutions. Without further ado, here are a few things you could do to deal with a smelly sofa. 


  • Clean up messes as soon as they happen


Sofa cleaning is easily the best solution to odd smells on upholstery. It comes in particularly handy when dealing with messes. As soon as you notice the spill, use either a paper towel or a wet cloth to mop up as much of the moisture as possible. 

If you are dealing with something like food spills or pet accidents, it also wouldn’t hurt to go over the spot with some soap and water. Just don’t get too crazy about it and end up causing water damage. 


  • Let in some air


You would be surprised how much a little air flow into the room could do for your couch. If cracking open a window only ends up causing more harm than good, then it would be a wise idea to get an air filter. This takes care of many of the causes of stinky sofas including particulate matter in the air like dust and pollen. 


  • Vacuum up


Vacuum not only your upholstery but also carpeting. This prevents accumulation of dirt that in turn forms grime that is not only harder to deal with but also more likely to result in odours. This also helps prevent staining when particles stick onto wet spots on the couch. 


  • Try fabric deodorizers


Fabric deodorizers are not a permanent fix to the problem by any shot. However, there is no denying the fact that they have a lot to offer in your fight against sofa odours. They could also offer quick relief for those days you have people over before you get professionals on the job. 



Prevention is sometimes better than cure in which case if you want to prevent odours on your sofa then tackle the issue by preventing contact with the source. Train your pet to stay off the sofa as much as possible to minimize dander and any other nastiness they may have brought indoors with them. 

You should also train them not to go anywhere but specially designated spots in or around your home. 


  • Get it deep cleaned


By the time your couch is emitting odours, it is time to bring in the big guns by investing in deep cleaning from professional sofa cleaning companies. They will know exactly what to do no matter what stain they have to deal with leaving you with a clean couch that not only looks good but also smells fantastic. 

Get a crew on it ASAP

Whether it is due to pet dander and waste or due to general dirt, it is always best to invest in a professional sofa cleaning business to handle these suspicious odours. Their expertise will offer you access to the best methods and equipment for the job. That way, you don’t have to worry about awkward comments or the silent acknowledgement of something smelly by your guests. 

Stinky Sofa: How To Deal With Odours On Your Upholstery

One Comment
  1. All sofas get stinky over time. A lot of use, a lot of odours from the cooker, pets, kids, sweat, etc. A quick wash and a nice deodorising project will sort out that problem

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